A Through Z Code Journey:
From Web Developer to Software Engineer
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a common day step into the coding world from a passerby to entry-level programmer. Companies will hire developers simply to configure HTML pages with CSS inline, and jQuery that functions, sparingly.
As common as common goes, websites have moved beyond the age-old stack of LAMP ( Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP). People across the world are all quite similar to one, if not all of these languages, and know how to use them well enough to develop a functional website.
JavaScript, the touted language of ‘el & i’ is the glorious follow up to the layering of jQuery in which reaches past the active directory and across the stack to transition elements in which is known as the DOM (Document Object Model).
Meaning by all of this is that by combining HTML, CSS, LAMP Stack & JavaScript — people can develop and build excellent websites without ever having to learn or enhance their language ability, as many have for the past decade/s.
Bootstrap Components for Frontend Experience Frameworks
Bootstrap is a front-end framework built using CSS, SCSS & SASS with jQuery & JavaScript empowered libraries to create a functional component that articulates basic HTML into successful frameworks.
Developed by Twitter, the simplicity of the framework is to scaffold HTML into large containers, linear rows, then columns and adaptability adjust them based on screen size. Advantageously, Bootstrap is somewhat of a squeeze when it comes to propping up CSS approaches and simplifies the aforementioned developer experience.
Acknowledging this, templatizing components similarly to connecting people with the framework allows website development to be deployed quickly and easily —‘bootstrapping’ an idea, into action.
Multi-page community websites were the craze of the 2000s where eCommerce was the craze of the 2010s, where applications are that of the following decade.
Bootstrap works as HTML & CSS within and without JavaScript frameworks such as React, Angular & Vue.
Multi-page sites of the previous decade become iterative conditional pages in the descending as the implementation of user experience becomes more of a construct than a concept.
Instead of a page for each category, pages become synonymous with action, choices, and outcomes. Steps towards a goal are the next iteration of an objective, whereas, prior, steps in a maze were the pace through the labyrinth.
Pages extend the path of the user, instead of flourishing the brand, and expanding the cognitive load to the solution. Mutually exclusive often with, eCommerce applications is the direct path built upon a user persona to guide conversion.
React Extensibility in Stateful Application Methods
Extensibly React is a ‘JavaScript Front-end Framework’ that facilities the exchange of data from a Backend or API to facilitate actions within a Virtual DOM. Reactifying JavaScript is the enhancement of the conditional programming language to establish a Multi-Layer DOM, which adapts to the changes in the state of the application.
React uses a variance of logic known as functions, methods, and most recently hooks to control the Virtual DOM and attribute to adjustments of the component layers.
Similar to many of the JavaScript frameworks, React takes on the shape and form of multi-layer DOM, server-based properties, and conditional functions. What this means is that there are settings based on the variant for manipulating and refreshing what the user sees, controlling how and when the browser loads, and even in configuration what objects within the Node runtime, the server provides.
Adapting the prospective of React in shape and form is where the developer has the ability beyond HTML, CSS, SCSS, SASS & Bootstrap to shift the experience of the application.
Server-side React
Popularity in front-end frameworks has been adopted in the later 2010s as the coherent ability to expand upon the dynamic ability of JavaScript to create interactive applications, intuitively.
Accessibility to the internet has driven an era of scale to outcomes in which establishes a preference to the developer to simplify the experience for the user, not only on the design basis but programmatically as well. As the internet expands, devices and services vary, applications across the globe need to be accessible across the globe.
Another layer of extensibility is the evolution of server-side React which leads and delivers content from spread nodes or clusters of the nearest server to the device, with the computing already accomplished. Differing from client-side React, these SSR (Server-side Rendered) applications come boxed and efficient with most of the lifting done by the host.
Exchanging Values as Properties Across React & Node Functions
Beyond the front-end capability of React, even that of the Node server is the interchanging value of context that lets the exchange of information become dynamically populated efficiently and quickly.
API (Application Programming Interface) not only provides a series of adaptive logic with micro-services but also append interaction with the data to become an interchange of interactive substance.
Equating the initial framework of React to a front-end framework alone often does not do it justice, as packages & middleware expand upon the ability for the language itself to become programmed as a full-stack application.
Layers to the initial page properties once again diverge into a harmony of steps called routes. Routing is a popular mechanic of improving the step in a process, while maintaining the focus of the initial proposition and extending the context.
Fullstack Evolution of JavaScript for Object Oriented Programming
Once an application is configured to exchange a variance of data, display, interact, and even manipulate that data it is empowered enough to be enhanced by full-stack support.
Interchangeably the most advantageous buzz-word of the 2010s, is more relatively a procedural step as a developer to take something from an iterative development phase, and expand its ability. Introducing middleware, scaling servers, contextual databases, and improving the specificity of pages via enumeration ensues.
Expanding on the dynamic agility of JavaScript, reactifying the outcome, and establishing NoSQL (Non-SQL) for adaptive exchanges that interact with relational databases for continuous outcome management. Theoretically, this is expanding upon the LAMP variance, past an eCommerce solution, and into SaaS (Software as a Service) — conceptually the proof is more of a context to the success of the language’s ability to adapt. Modern JavaScript developers refer to this stack similarly as MERN (MongoDB, Express, React & Node) & MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular & Node) development.
Building State-based & DOM forward driven applications to build products, developers will pleasantly find React is quite capable and agile. As the product moves towards the end of each cycle, it then becomes easier and easier to solidify features, and then proprietize functions as established code.