Technical Knowledge Dynamics
and Advancing Code Comprehension

Joe Alongi
5 min readDec 24, 2020


It is almost the end of 2020, this year started very structurally, structural indeed with many new trends, ideas, and languages appearing on the IDE palette & terminal command.

In 2019(Twenty Nineteen) I had been building webpage upon webpage to think over how in which to draw action to experience with paid and organic traffic. Who knew a software engineer could impact the exchange of 2M(Two Million)+ user searches in a month — with a few pages, an API from the web applications developer, and Google Ads.

React was my focus of 2020(Twenty Twenty). I had set out to expand upon my existing knowledge and explore the wonderful world of JavaScript that is reactive, well, the Facebook developed variant at least. What many consider JavaScript, I consider a language of its own, apparently as Prose to Poetry, JavaScript is to React.

The year became more about programming/engineering fundamentals than startups/apps. I flushed out core concepts of DOM forward and stateful interfaces while defining varying useful methods of object-oriented programming within. At the endpoints of the year it was just that, endpoints; API & database both serverless NoSQL and Relation Queries.

Programming the Solution Behind The Code

I got milkshakes earlier this year, around summertime, with two friends who I consider to be some of the most innovative programers in my area and on paper, well, they are. They write and worship PHP like it is the liquid gold of the web, well, for many it is.

For me, this is the current state of orders, wherein I am a North-Easterner with a Pacific Coast mindset. The current events of the world really shift this quite little, all be it the access to people in this culture, less either. From Buffalo is a phrase I have heard in Florida, Colorado, California, and London — something uniquely rings about being from a hardy place in New York not know for programming but for snow.

Finding outlets to expand my knowledge and understand how to progress, even in a product design sense is challenging at that. Surrounded by .NET & C# advocates, finding the Cloud and JavaScript evangelists was not a breeze. Meetups become my core sense of identifying how in which to move-forward, interaction with local top companies through these experiences, even global at that, in Cloud Native & JavaScript kept it all in perspective.

Home is certainly where you make it, a ‘self-taught developer’ is only an illusion, learning is even more challenging when everyone else speaks and writes a different language.

The truth is at the end of the day, there is very little formative education in modern technology, so diving in and working directly on the tech itself is the degree, at least right now.

Organizing Code to Meet Instinctual Paradigms

React to me makes sense, often I think as this is all of my favorite organizational applications and desktop in such conclude it. The top-down mind to stack tracing of using Discord since early launch, reconciles the flow of data through a component state, much as anyone currently making a PB&J.

Intuitive to me, often means complex to individuals; which I have always found a challenge. Layered abstraction is what has sort of been the ‘primitive’ years of my life, with rehydration and functional exchanges along the way.

For each loop, meaning as in for, each variable(increment) there is one instantiated outcome. In this sense use-case, the expression only increments and logs the output. To make this functional and actually see it in the DOM, we need to create HTML elements that append the output to an element; writing both function and methods.

This is the crux of Vanilla JS and the butter to bread in React. Why? Essentially and relatively the same to React in theory, yet compositionally & expensively difficult to correlate. In all fairness, this is often due to the naming conventions used in JavaScript functions, less the functions themselves.

How simple is the second iteration versus the first? In my opinion, one reads as incrementing the length of an array into the console then later iterating through an element, following, appending the output to the DOM.

Second, dynamically mapping the virtual DOM with an ES6 loop, visually.
I digress, though, I believe with the recent developments of i++ syntax and Python, along with API development we will see more ES6 functions in the near future.

Declarative Practices to Inference in Technology

Action needs to be affirmative. Taking a page from societal thoughts and applying it to the theorem, is well, how programming came about in the first place. Learning is only as good as practice, and practice is only as good as the content, so therein you are required of both.

In early 2021 (Twenty Twenty One) my current domain expires, I thought to myself, it is about time to build an interactive system wherein I can leverage technology across the web from a computational instance in any manner. If I want to utilize a data-viz library, well, I can do it from my app, if I want to share a series of methods, well, I can do it from my app — that being said, in a more opensource sense through a React application instead of my current Next application.

Deploying to Google Cloud is about as easy as sending a text message, with the GCloud CLI, though I am sure there are endless lessons to extend here, it is easy to get everything going, especially with the connection of Firebase, which is currently where I am building a full-structured multi-page React web application.

Docker & Kubernetes seem like a final frontier, as currently, I am working in a much smaller instance, as it only requires as much. Configuring GitHub workflows has saved me hours at this point, which I am proud to have been able to configure a simple .YAML for both CircleCI and Firebase. The extension of these, being containerized applications, with CI/CD testing then together.

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