Many-to-One GraphQL Queries with React, Spring Boot, and SQL

React useQuery connections through GraphQL with Spring Boot JPA

Joe Alongi
5 min readOct 5, 2022


In a previous blog “GraphQL Scaling, Querying & Mutations for Java Backends” I described the connectivity of dynamic parameters from properties available on the client or browser side. Once retrieved data like ids, titles, and slugs can be used in caching to express variables and continue stateful transactions through the software stack.

This philosophy can be iterated upon to unite the client with the server and exchange these interactions to enable a further scope of information from relational parameters. Exploring this concept means creating a custom component, to fetch and return additional information, based on the initial variable, from React (client-side) to Spring Boot (server-side) and into SQL (database).

Enabling insights from cached queries with React, Apollo GraphQL, and Spring Boot

  • Passing props from Higher-Order Components with React
  • Rendering data to Functional Components from user actions
  • Querying GraphQL services with Apollo GraphQL and cached queries
  • Getting environment variables from Java GraphQL server
  • Unique GraphQL queries and Data…

