Timeless Programming: Class-based Inheritance and Prototyping

Joe Alongi
4 min readDec 25, 2019


They never tell you that the world changes, that it shifts and bends on elegant cracks in time and space. When you are not there it falls to different folds, building upon the continuous cycle. The nature of being is to shape, to mold to a continuous path in the rift of existence.

Prototyping Inheritance Through Classes

You change as the world around bends to the means of the means, as the world becomes that that becomes. They never tell you what the world wants, the world expects you to know. To understand the world is to understand yourself and beyond, the conscious mind comes from, consciousness.

Establishing obvious paths to structure from these intricacies evaluates without time as a constant, inheriting objects, methods, and data leaves the layers of operation intact through time.

As we articulate over our daily interaction and drawn-out claim, we find little for ourselves unless we seek it. The hymn of mornings glory, the notes of salutation, the sprinkle of happiness we are all so boldly seeking. What do we wonder if we do not wonder, as if to understand is to first reflect, then imply, then adapt.

Mitigating Obfuscation Over Time

Where these matters shift is upon your threshold, the urgency you imply, the demand you seek. The notations of others are written by them, their thoughts, experiences, articulations, confirmations, and all along with their story. What one must find, is not the bidding character, hamartia, setting, or plot, though the formula for enduring.

Clear annotated choices, structurally imperative choices, and flexible variable structures anticipate that the future will change the past, but not entirely the framework, especially in programming.

Hardship builds life, where prosperity sequesters it, seeking either is not the focus of tendency as it is part of the holistic understanding. Matters of inclination become the hand, where moments of doubt the grimace. Within what we find are the exclamations of life, the unification of presence, and understanding through empathetic means, of the future.

When one begins to consider the overarching clues to experience, the counters and moves beyond that of the pawn and rook, one masters themselves even more. Knowing that the control is within one’s action, enlightens the focus of depth into the scope of entirety.

Adapting with Cyclical & Durable Solutions

What takes us from beginning to end is not the precise actions, nor compromise, tact or will, but influence on oneself to survive and unify the natural occurrences as one motion. To breathe, knowing there are more breaths, to endure knowing there are more steps.

Often in senses, one aligns the wind, the tide and all things equal as if fate or larger power. What one finds is not that there is a glance in each direction, but a space to move around. Encompassing path is more than choosing each step, but building character to endure and survive unwittingly, each promise to self.

Adaptive systems account for errors, handle exceptions, and establish solutions for rigid standards. Anticipating shift and change makes the now, the code of today, more durable through time.

What they do not tell you is that you will survive, that you will overcome, and you will adapt. What this means, how it means more so is what you find to hold on to as the cornerstone of your existence. Take the piece of each moment that has inspired, challenged, developed this character and become that. Let go of the dream, role model, virtue of becoming something simplistic as an entity, rather, become the thing in which you define as great through your exchange with the world.

Join in on the adventure at heyitsjoealongi.com and on X, Instagram, GitHub, and LinkedIn. For more articles like this subscribe on Substack.



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